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Creating a Design Thinking App for Indias biggest IT company

TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) is one of the biggest tech companies in the world. While famous for it’s capacity to scale up IT power for large companies with off-shore teams based out of India. The company is undergoing a transition to position itself more as a thought leader that can also facilitate the exploration of new ideas with its clients instead of only executing them.  How do you create an app that can spread Design Thinking as a practice under its 450 thousand plus employees and create IP that can be sold to clients at the same time?


  • UX design
  • UI design


  • Create a tool that can help and inspire seasoned Design Thinking practitioners create new workshops
  • Create a tool that can support a Design Thinking practitioner and workshop teams in running a smooth and successful workshop
  • Create a tool that makes it easy for inexperienced Design Thinking practitioners to host a successful Design Thinking workshop and deapen it’s knowledge along the way
  • Create a product that can create new revenue streams for the company


  • Empathising
  • Ideating
  • Testing
  • Executing
  • Testing
SnapApp wireframes
Visual exploration

Synthesise, explore and design

More info coming soon

SnapApp flow
SnapApp design system

My impact

  • Creating a complete UX design for the app
  • Exploring visual style for the app
  • Co-designing complete design system in Figma 

Key results

  • Created the first app in the world dedicated to creating and hosting Design Thinking workshops
  • Created an app that is a massive learning tool for aspiring Design Thinking practitioners within the TCS organisation
  • Created a new revenue stream for TCS by creating an app that can be sold as a white label training app for Design Thinking within large organisations